What should I bring when I buy a car?

One of the biggest complaints I’ve heard about buying a car is the time it takes. From choosing a vehicle, negotiating, paperwork and finance … who know’s how long you will be at the dealership. Everyone’s time is precious – yours, mine, ours. You want to make a good decision in a timely manner. I get it!

To help cut down on the time it takes at the dealership, here’s a list of things to bring to the dealership:

  1. Driver’s license
  2. Insurance information
  3. Registration for your trade-in vehicle
  4. Title for your trade-in vehicle
  5. Payoff information for yout trade-in vehicle
  6. Proof of income — pay stub
  7. Check book for cash down
  8. Smiling face — because you’re buying a new car!

Remember this: Buying a car is a huge financial investment. So, it’s going to take some time. But the most important thing is to find the RIGHT vehicle for you and have you leaving the store happy!

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