I’m guilty.
That’s all I could think as I read the latest studies about the mistakes parents make while driving.
I’m guilty of turning around to offer a pacifier, handing back crackers or holding a little hand to curb screaming while also steering a moving vehicle. In fact, I spend a lot of time driving one-handed with my other hand stretched to the back to hold his hand. Until my hands get tingly and fall asleep.
I’m guilty of talking on my phone, taking conference calls while driving in between baby music class and the grocery store run.
I’m guilty of driving sleep deprived. Really sleep deprived. (The study says I’m not alone. Apparently, many of us parents drive on less sleep than truckers!)
Turns out, moms compete with teen drivers for accident rates. We’re just distracted, tired, and multi-tasking, and two-thirds of the women surveyed said they found it difficult to concentrate on one task since having their baby.
Perhaps driving with a screaming child in the backseat should be a requirement for getting a driver’s license. I don’t know about you, but when Henry is screaming mad in the backseat, 75% of my brain shuts off and all I can think about is doing whatever I can to help him.
All that said, I know I could do better. After all, I am driving around pretty precious cargo.
What driving distractions are you guilty of?
LWTK’s mommy blogger, Sarah, is attempting to be a good mama to little Henry, wife to Shea, full-time employee and part-time grad student all while avoiding making dinner from a box every night. In her non-existent free time, she’s running, eating popcorn and blogging about it all at The Gatsby Diaries.
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