I have several friends who have successfully bought used cars on Craigslist. I remain skeptical so decided to peruse the online classifieds myself to see all the auto section in Kansas City had to offer. Oh my, was I not disappointed!
These people want your cars, even if they are dead. They aren’t the only ones. Every other ad is someone wanting your junk. Sure beats a garage sale.
The fancy
Forget junk cars, this dude is selling a 1980 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II for a cool $24,500. If you don’t want the car, he’ll exchange parts with a Jaguar, Mercedes, BMW and other fancy-dancy car owners. The best part of the whole deal though? The Rolls has a new A/C as described by the seller: “It now blows cold enough to make a Canadian fur trapper shiver.” Friends, that is a heck of a deal.
Haul Away Vehicles Free
Not only do they want my dead cars, but they will come pick them up for free. I couldn’t find a single ad where someone would haul away my dead Christmas tree that is too big for my car. That is what I really need.
Prepare to be amazed.
“Do you have a camper, RV or 5th wheel that looks dingy? … I can amaze you. Low prices and you don’t pay until I’m done and you are amazed! $200 for most. Some more some less.”
If I only had a dingy camper, I would totally help this guy out.
02 GMC Sierra 4×4 Truck – $6
Ahh, the oldest trick in the book. A $6 truck? Sign up me up! But alas, the truck is actually $6,450. Guess those three other digits just wouldn’t fit in the headline. How fortunate for the seller.
Would you buy a car on Craigslist? How about let someone pick up your dead car?
LWTK’s mommy blogger, Sarah, is attempting to be a good mama to little Henry, wife to Shea, full-time employee and part-time grad student all while avoiding making dinner from a box every night. In her non-existent free time, she’s running, eating popcorn and blogging about it all at The Gatsby Diaries.
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