Awhile back I wrote a post about the states with the worst traffic in America. That post got me wondering about the states with the best roads in America…I’m not talking about traffic, but the literal quality of and convenience of the roads.
I read up on it and found an annual report on that exact topic! The report ranks states according to things like conditions of bridges, safety of roads, amount of accidents on those roads, etc.
The whole report was fascinating to check into. After looking it over, it seems that states with low populations, low speed limits and lots of wide open space have the best roads. And on the other hand, states with overcrowding and harsh weather or low funding have the worst roads.
Check out the list below, and tell me your thoughts in the comments! Do any of them surprise you?
Top 10 Best Roads in America:
1. North Dakota
2. Montana
3. Kansas
4. New Mexico
5. Nebraska
6. South Carolina
7. Wyoming
8. Missouri
9. Georgia
10. Oregon
Top 10 Worst Roads in America:
1. Road Island
2. Alaska
3. California
4. Hawaii
5. New York
6. New Jersey
7. Massachusetts
8. Maryland
9. Vermont
10. Connecticut
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