Must-Have Driving Apps

As I was driving to an appointment today, I was totally dependent on the navigation app on my Google phone. It tells me how much time I have until I get there (i.e., am I going to be late again?) and re-routes me if I get lost. This feature is the sole reason I finally caved and got a smart phone. So now, I am only lost when my phone is dead or without service, which is about 65 percent of the time.

Other apps to add to your dashboard to help keep you and your car happy:

Gas Buddy
Figure out the cheapest gas station closest to you. Just remember, if you use more gas driving to a gas station one cent cheaper, it’s probably not cheaper.

Find My Car
You’ll have to pay for this one, but it’s seriously the best thing ever. Your GPS is activated when you park your car and remembers the location of your parking spot. An essential app, especially if you are one of those people who considered hiring a cab to drive you around the airport to find your car because you couldn’t remember where it was parked. Not that I have ever considered such a thing. G-Park does the same thing, but requires a little bit more work on your part.

You’ve finally agreed that texting and driving is dangerous business but still want to stay connected? Text’n Drive translates your emails or texts to voice and allows you to reply in voice.

This little gem helps you track and store your trips for IRS tax deductions. Track your business and charitable miles and save on that tax return.

Oil Change
Time to get an oil change? This app finds the best deals or closest service centers for the oil change in a hurry. It even includes coupons!

An app I hope you never have to use, but could help in a stressful situation. iWrecked allows you to record the details of an accident, take unlimited photos, call you insurance company and make a pdf of your report.

What are your handiest phone apps when you’re on the road?

LWTK’s mommy blogger, Sarah, is attempting to be a good mama to little Henry, wife to Shea, full-time employee and part-time grad student all while avoiding making dinner from a box every night. In her non-existent free time, she’s running, eating popcorn and blogging about it all at The Gatsby Diaries.

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