Here’s to 2013

Photo via Flickr, user: life is good.

Another year, another list of resolutions.

Sometimes it seems silly that every year I make a long list of well-intentioned attempts at perfection only to fall short by the end of January. But the process itself allows for self-reflection, gratitude for the previous year and hope for the coming ones. As I raise my champagne glass, I’ll be wishing for these in 2013.

1. Enjoy being a mother. In the midst of laundry piles, peas all over my floor and Hot Wheels under foot, I forget to soak it all in. If the news headlines of the past month have taught me anything, it’s to cherish my baby every day I am privileged to be his mama.

2. Heal my foot. For once, I am not making a resolution to work out more. After four months of marathon training, I got a stress fracture in my foot. While a 20-mile run isn’t on the calendar, I’d be happy just for a nice walk around the block without crutches.

3. Clean out my car. Every other week I write about the condition of my car with its crushed up cereal, random toy parts and crumpled receipts. In 2013, my car will become a place free of chaos.

4. Explore Kansas City. A book I am reading, suggests that becoming a tourist in your own city makes you happier about where you live. Kansas City has so much to offer, I can’t wait to see it through visitors’ eyes. Any unique suggestions?

5. Kiss goodnight. And in the morning.

As you welcome another new year, what are your hopes for 2013?


LWTK’s mommy blogger, Sarah, is attempting to be a good mama to little Henry, wife to Shea, full-time employee and part-time grad student all while avoiding making dinner from a box every night. In her non-existent free time, she’s running, eating popcorn and blogging about it all at The Gatsby Diaries.

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