1. Our car insurance costs less. Argue all you want, the experts agree, and we just cost less by...
Honestly. I’m a good driver. And for those who’ve ridden with me, vouch for me! I may need it...
He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. One day out of 365! One day on...
The groundhog saw his shadow, and that means six more weeks of winter. So bring on the days of...
So, I just got out of our Monday morning Greenbook meeting. (“Greenbook” meaning an overall financial snapshot of the...
Last week, facebook friend, Jacquie Norwood sent me a message WANTing TO KNOW! Here’s what she said: Hey Lauren,...
The busier my life gets, the messier the floor of my car. In fact, I found that combing through...
Holiday travel can be tough enough. But add baby to the mix, and it can send otherwise rational people...
Seven years ago, I was driving Molly the red Mustang. The backseat was littered with half-written newspaper articles, running...
It’s time to deck the halls … literally! Join me, 17 local artists, Young Variety members, Kansas City’s Vocalocity,...
For some of you, the smell of a brand new novel, the flip of a crisp page, or the...
Ever wonder how cars are built and manufactured? If you’re one of those curious types who like to know...