Don’t leave your furry companion at home this weekend, I’m not talking about your husband! I have some tips...
It’s a cool brisk Saturday morning and you’re excited to go shopping for yourself. You deserve it after a...
I might be jumping the gun on this, but I can’t stop thinking about summer! Picnics, hiking, swimming, tanning...
Over the past couple months, I have been working hard to get an insight into the car customer’s mind....
What a winter! This past December, a winter storm set a record in Kansas City and with all the...
Okay … here’s your chance to influence the process of buying a car. If you could change one aspect,...
As promised, here is round two on my search to gain some insight inside the dealership. I have gone...
I want you to imagine a place where all of this happens … Make Eye Contact and Smile Greet...
Zeus, Candy, Victoria, My Wife’s Car, Noreen and Lauren. These are only a few of the names of cars...
Honesty, trust, good communication, respect and service. All of these qualities seem to be a common thread when making...